Mission #8

People Are Crazy   ~Billy Currington~

I chose this song because my roommate recomended this song to me. Also, this somg has won many awards on related to country music.

I just know he was born and raised in Georgia.

1, He also worked for a concreat company, and as apersonal trainer before being signed to a major lable.
2, One of the clients he worked with as a personal trainer led Currington to recording demo tapes, as well as writing songs.
3, He won Hottest Video of the year for "Must Be Doin' Something Right" in 2006 from CMT Music Award.

In the first verse, the two of them converse, which leads to the old man saying, "God is great, beer is good and people are crazy." They continue to converse throughout the second verse as well before parting ways. In the third verse, some time has passed, and the narrator reads the old man's obituary in the paper. He discovers that the now dead old man was a millionaire and "left his fortune to some guy he barely knew". After this discovery, the narrator also declares that "people are crazy." 
