Cross cultural work shop for the second week

The things that I share this time is that Cross cultural work shop for the second week.

We solved the problem of a subject in the first half of week. the first one is about sports. there are many sports in the world, and the sports that are popular in each country are different. For example soccer and baseball and skateboarding. Both soccer and baseball are popular in Japan and America.
It was interesting that we shared about each other's famous base ball team. this time  Then we found out that we have a team of same of the same name. Next is skateboarding. It was not very well known before, but It has been becoming famous a little bit recently. This testimony is recognized as a competition in the Olympics.

The next deal is about the global environment. We talked about a problem where the number of eagle is low. It was becoming less of cause, such as air pollution and river pollution. Mane people are unaware of it and are making the cause of it. Then we talked about  the tornado. Japan doesn't  have happen much. But in America it happens more than Japan. I didn't know much about the damage of the tornado.

 I have thought about the global environmental problem. It means that a lot of people need cooperation when something is wrong. Problem arise from the accumulation of everyday habits. In me daily life. I decided to take care of the extent I could. And, I thought that it is important for the future to continue holding the feeling fir a long time.

And we went to the aquarium. I had visited before. But the weather was better than at that time, so it felt good. I saw many fish. One building was a river fish, and the other was a sea fish. It was interesting because I had never been to the fish aquarium of the river. There was a place where the fish was not only seen but touched. I was able to relax by looking at the fish while the time was flowing slowly.
