Voyage to Mars

In the afternoon classes, We went to places with various exhibits about the universe and we experienced the crew of MARS. I worked at the Life Support Data log called LS. First of all, we asked the crew to eat what kind of food they wanted. We decided on three foods to bring to the space shuttle. It's Garden pea, Garden beet and Wheat. Next, I worked on Air Filter. I exchanged the filter, measured the temperature inside the space shuttle, and adjusted it. While doing this work, we got happening. When exchanging the filter, a new filter was not found and the siren rang. It was hard to find, but it was in a different work space. I was pleased that we could solve the problem by ourselves. In addition, I did solar related work, PH research, TDS research and so on. There were too many things to do and it didn’t finish to the all work. But, I had a valuable experience and I enjoyed myself very much. MARS's work was difficult, but I think that I could study English.


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