Day 5 ESL Workshop Journal

Spring 2017 Cross-Cultural Workshops
at The ESL Institute

Day 5
Food, Health and the Environment

The Morning Seminar

In this section, write a paragraph of your reflections about the subject and information you learned in the morning seminar. Here are some questions to help you generate content:
1. What was the topic of today's seminar?
-It was intro to the UTC Teaching and Learning Garden.
2. What were the main ideas/terms/definitions of the seminar?
-It was what are Urban Garden and Community Gardens.
3. Did you learn anything new from the seminar?
-UTC has a garden.
4. What was the most interesting idea or concept that you learned today?
-People need supermarket and car to live.
5. How will you use this information in the future?
-When I talk about plant, I can use this information.

The Afternoon Project

In this section, write a paragraph about your afternoon project experience. Here are some questions to help you generate content:
1. What was the title of the afternoon project?
-It was UTC Teaching and Learning Garden Project.
2. Where did the afternoon project take place?
-It took place at Garden in UTC.
3. What was the purpose of the afternoon project?
-It was to learn how to grow plants.
4. Who did you meet at the project location?
-I met Dr. Jose Barbosa.
5. What did you learn from the project?
-I learned it’s hard to grow plants.
6. What was the best part or most interesting aspect of the project?
-It was weeding.
7. How will you apply what you learned during the project in the future?
-If I will grow some plants, I can use this skill.

Your Conclusion

Next, write a conclusion paragraph. Summarize the day's thoughts and activities. Here is a question to help you generate content:
1. What connections did you make between what you learned in the morning seminar and what you did in the afternoon project? Did you encounter, identify, or observe any cultural differences or exchanges?

-It’s nice to garden.  It’s not popular to garden nowadays in both of Japan and U.S.A.
