Summary Blog Post

Summary Blog Post

What did you like best about the Cross-cultural workshop and why?
  I liked to take part in Lapaz Community Potluck Dinner because I could eat some delicious foods that are from 11 countries. And I was glad that we could get to know Japanese goods that are rice ball and okonomiyaki.

What were you most surprised to learn about?
I was most surprised that I could experience the Garden Project.

Which of the three poems are you most proud of and why?
The most proud is life of O'Keefee. Because it was first poem that I wrote as English.

Include your poem. If you chose to include the found poem, remember to say where you got the words from.
Life of O’Keeffe
greatest artist, American legend
Often independent, often willful, and often misbehaved
As a nine year old , she took lessons more seriously than before
Moved off the farm to Williamsburg, Virginia
Took a job as an art instructor
Was praised as the greatest woman artist
Painted in bright closers and  modern style
Was still different such as didn’t talk much and was often angry
Married Alfred Stieglitz, a famous photographer
Lived as adobe house in a tiny village
Produced her greatest works of art

The best-known American woman of century
