Summary Blog Post

1,What did you like best about the Cross-cultural workshops and why?
The best topic I learned in the Cross-cultural workshops is cars. I learned how car has developed. It is really interesting because there ware many forms of cars.

    2, What were you most surprised to learn about?
I was surprised most when I was gardening because it is really hard unbelievably.

   3, Which of the three poems are you most proud of and why?

  1. [Trouble maker] The girl was born. independent. willful. misbehaved. Eventually she was very unlike. No matter how much unlike, it is not important. She behaved very bad. She was enjoying being alone. 
  2. [Wedding] A men and a women are wearing gold dresses. The man is kissing to the women. Flowers are blessing for the couple.
  3. [The hands] The person has big strong hands. The person often plays the guttier a lot. Everything can get stronger by effort. The person also has done hard.
Reasons why I chose these poems.
1, I made this poem with so difficult words by picking words up from article named O'keeffe.
2, This poem is really simple but romantic.
3, This poem is nonfiction. 
